Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Young Adult

Summary:  Mavis Gary is the author of a young adult book series.  It was once popular, but is now on the discount table.  She grew up in a small town in Minnesota and is now living in Minneapolis.  When she hears that her high school sweetheart has had a child, she decides that she needs to save him from his boring life as a husband and father in their hometown.  While trying to do this, she meets a former classmate who was crippled in a "prank" pulled by the jocks they went to school with.

OaTs:  Charlize Theron was fantastic as Mavis.  She really made you hate her and sympathize with her at the same time.  I really felt like I was looking at a girl who lived off of her status in high school.  She was even using those memories to make a living as an adult.  She never really grew up, which is why she thinks her former boyfriend needs to be rescued.  And he couldn't be happier with his life.

So Theron was great.  And so was Patton Oswalt as Matt, the man still carrying around a grudge from what happened to him in high school.  But that's pretty much where my love for this movie ends.  I'm not into dark comedies.  I don't enjoy laughing at awkward and painful situations.  I felt embarrassed for her, and that's not a feeling that I enjoy while watching a film.  I feel that's what the writer and director were aiming for, so they succeeded, but I didn't like it.

I'm glad I saw it.  Sometimes an okay movie is worth it for a great performance like this.  She saved it from a much worse grade from me.  I understand that many critics are loving this movie, and that's just fine.  But it's not up my alley.  I'd cringe when she guzzled her Diet Coke right from the two-liter bottle.  I felt bad for her dog that was left in her hotel room for hours on end.  It was uncomfortable for me, so definitely not something that I enjoyed watching. 

Score:  6/10

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