The Blog

Greetings, and welcome to OaTs! I'm finally tackling the job of creating a long-term blog, having dabbled in blogging before by chronicling my adventures in volunteering for film festivals.  But I want this to be the blog that I keep for an extended period of time.

I'm finally motivated to do this because I'm finding it hard to suppress my excitement over the films I have seen this year. I think 2011 has been better than most years in recent memory for films that I have enjoyed. I'd like to share my thoughts and hear what others think. The more comments the better. I'd like to open a place for discussion of film among friends and strangers alike.

Ted, my film professor at Radford University, said many many times (and I'm paraphrasing here) that a movie is different for every viewer, that we all took different paths and traveled a different road to our seat in the theater.  I completely agree.  And I'll add that within ourselves, we are different people each time we watch a film.  On a second viewing, you are a different person that you were when you saw it the first time.  We are meant to change, and our thoughts may change with us.

Prepare yourself for anything. My opinions can shift over time, changing along with me. I don’t plan on staying the same for the rest of my life. I want to grow every day, my experiences molding me into a new and different person every minute. I hate generalities, even in myself. So if you think my ideas oppose one other, that’s just a part of who I am.  Read my "Trump Cards" page and you might understand how varied and random my tastes are.

I’m here to share my personal "opinions and thoughts" about film, which is where I got the anagram for the title of this blog. This is not entirely film reviews or criticism, but more what I have to say about what I've seen. If the most important part of a movie experience for me is how I ended up in the theater, that’s what I’ll share. If I absolutely hated a film and can’t think about anything other than that, then that’s probably what I’ll write down. Or if I have questions, concerns, suggestions, or complaints, those can be written here as well.

So take everything here with a grain of salt.  I may write something right after I see a film and then come right back and change my mind.  Be patient with me.  I'm figuring this out as well.  So let's begin.